This year I am going to solve the Advent of Code puzzles using the Rust programming language. While I have done reading and watched content about the language, I have not built anything more than the standard ‘Hello World’ stuff.
I am not trying to be on a leader board or going for speed of solving. If that were the case I would stick to C# dotnet since I have the most experience there. I see these puzzles as baked-in projects that allow me to identify a solution to a problem, and programatically solve it, and use a new language to do that. On top of all that … it’s festive and fun stories that I can talk through with my kids (another reason I will never be on the leaderboard for this).
So, I will try to post my write ups to the solutions as soon as I get them done and checked in. Please feel free to reach out on the socials if you hsver thoughts or suggestions on my code. As I mentioned, I am not a “rustaceon” by any means, I am just trying to expand my knowledge and break out of the dotnet box I have been in for the last decade.